Online Spell check, Grammar, and Thesaurus checking
Tag: Language learning
Malapropism and other Anglish Comic strips
- August 15, 2016
- Posted by Mila
According to the Wikipedia “Philology” is the study of language in written historical sources; it is a combination of literary criticism, history, and linguistics. It is more commonly defined as the study of literary texts and written records, the establishment of their authenticity and their original form, and the determination of their meaning. A person who…
To tell the truth about English learning
- August 12, 2016
- Posted by Mila
Let me tell about myself. May I? The best pleasure for me as an ESL speaker and teacher is to use my language skills. I find great enjoyment in this: I meet new people, I make friends. Depending on the country where I’m currently living I may take my friends to sightseeing or they do…
The Noun and the Sentence
- August 10, 2016
- Posted by Mila
Today I’d like to clarify some small details in our everyday English. We always use the following words to explain the grammar: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, synonym, antonym, etc. Let’s define the meaning of some of them now. According to the Wikipedia, a NOUN is a word that functions as the name of some…
Add fun to your English classes
- August 4, 2016
- Posted by Mila
How do you think, how much fun should be present in school classes? Definitely, there shouldn’t be an uncontrolled circus at school, though the teacher has to be creative and be able to keep in check all the supernatural activities of his students all in one. Meanwhile, he should organize the life in his classroom based on…