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Are you aware of the British Humor?

  • August 22, 2016
  • Posted by

Hello to you from Mike Franklin! Again he shares his excellent British Humor with us.

We discussed Brexit, and we learned that it’s just an ex who was sitting in the British Railways train.

Today we plug in the political malapropisms again. That’s so fun!

  • As always, I write the “wrong” text from the picture, and we study new lexis.
  • Next step is to pronounce the phrases aloud and get the true meaning.
  • As usual, share your guesses in the comments on our page on Facebook and Twitter. Help the beginner students to have the same fun as you do.


  1. The Germans are knot con tent with my grey shun in two there sit ease are they!
  2. A parent lee knot. Ure write, having moor than a mill lan.
  3. They no that these knew a rivals do knot ad apt two the German so shall weigh of life. We must all so have cor shun.

Let’s translate the meaning of these strange words.

  • Knot -a fastening made by looping a piece of string, rope on itself and tightening it;
    a small tightly packed group of people;
    v. to make a knot;
  • Con – (in politics) Conservative party; Constable;
    v. to swindle;
  • Tent – a portable shelter made of cloth;
  • Shun – v. persistently ignore, avoid or reject;
  • Sit – v. be in a position in which one’s weight is supported by one’s buttocks rather than one’s feet and one’s back is upright;
  • Ease – absence of rigidity or discomfort; freedom from worries or problems, almost as “Hakuna Matata”;
  • Parent – a person’s father or mother; ancestor;
  • Lee – shelter, cover, sanctuary, shield;
    Lee, Ann – the US religious leader;
  • -ure – suffix denoting an action, process or result; an office or function; a collective;
  • Write – v. mark on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, etc.;
  • Mill – grinder, crusher; factory, plant, industrial unit;
  • Lan – local area network;
  • Knew – v. past of know: to be aware, to realize;
  • Rival (s) – a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or the superiority in the same field;
  • Ad – advertisement; advantage (if in tennis);
  • Apt – appropriate or suitable in the circumstances;
  • Weigh – v. find out how heavy something is using scales; access the nature or importance of something;
  • Cor – expressing a surprise, admiration or alarm.

I hope that you had the same joy as I did. What could you say about these phrases? Where are their fun and wrong meaning? Do the Germans knot to the Conservative party because of his grey shun? What?

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