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Tag: grammar

Where Do People Use Phrasal Verbs? Find out the examples doing your homework!

  • July 4, 2016
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Note: to make a verb phrasal we usually take the following prepositions: about after along away back down forward in into off on out over round through up with. a) Insert the needed preposition: Good morning! Stand __. He put __ painting and cut the grass first.  I’ll go online and look __ ‘phrasal verbs’….

Answers: 14 Typical Mistakes With Prepositions

  • June 27, 2016
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Check the Grammar and Homework before the Answers. Choose one: To/At We arrived at the station. Let’s meet at Adams’. I’m going to you. Mary returned to the store. She knows that he’s always at his friends’. Choose one: For/Since We’ve been studying maths for five years. You’ve been studying languages since I know you….

Exercises: 14 Typical Mistakes With Prepositions.

  • June 24, 2016
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Dear students, I hope that you’ve learnt the grammar for this class and homework. Do the exercises with a little more attention than usual. I’ve tried to make the praxis as easy as possible, but that was impossible. So, good luck! 1) Choose one: To/At We arrived __ the station.Let’s meet __ Adams’. I’m going…

Articles Homework Answers

  • June 15, 2016
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Put the indefinite article where needed: I want a chair to be of the same color as that table. (I want a chair to be of the same color as that table.) Give me, please, a cup of tea. You know, he gave me a rose once. What do you do? – I’m a student…

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