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Tag: grammar
English for Beginners, Lesson 2. Homework
- December 22, 2015
- Posted by Mila

Business before pleasure. First do your homework, then take a rest. 1) Write down the verbs in the correct form. I brush___ my teeth. Burt try__ to give up smoking. You watch___ the cat video. She play__ the violin. We study__ the examples. He wash__ his new car. They catch__ our imagination! Your cat touch__ me….
Are you afraid that Present is Indefinite? English for Beginners: Lesson 2
- December 21, 2015
- Posted by Mila

Today we continue to discover Present Simple tense; we will learn some more rules that can be called “exceptions.” Though it is Indefinite, Present is Simple, but there are some naughty exceptions. So, we have few more endings to pay attention to: «sh» and «ch»: I, You, We, They watch TV and wash the dog…
English for Beginners, Lesson 1. Homework
- December 18, 2015
- Posted by Mila

Today it is your turn to practice! 1) Write down these verbs in the correct form into the blanks: know, see, do, feel, like, go, take. He …. this is not his mistake, but he … guilty anyway. I … everything about cooking! Oh, I … what you want to tell me. … she feel better?…
Is Present as Simple as it is called? English for Beginners: Lesson 1
- December 16, 2015
- Posted by Mila

Today we are going to learn Present Simple. We use this time to tell about everything that is around us or concerning us, and to describe things in general. For example, “The sun rises.” “I like buns.” One of my students asked me to explain clearly what Present Simple is and why it is Indefinite….