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Category: verbs
Are you in a good mood today? Part two. Intermediate English, Lesson 11
- March 28, 2016
- Posted by Mila
As you do remember from the previous lesson, there are only three moods in English. Today we are going to discover the last one, but not the easiest one. Subjunctive mood describes some unreal, imaginary, impossible action or wish. There is a lot of debate with different linguists about this subject. This is really a…
50 Shades of Modality. Part Two. English for Intermediate Students, Lesson 9
- March 15, 2016
- Posted by Mila
Let’s continue learning our modals! I wanted to remind you that the modals don’t change, except “be to,” and “have to.” That is why sometimes we replace the unchanged verb with another one in the past or future. If you will choose the needed modal verb in accordance with your mood or other inner feelings,…
English for Intermediate Students, Lesson 8. Homework
- March 14, 2016
- Posted by Mila
The subject of Modality is not the easiest, so let’s try to do it following the grammar steps. Check out the grammar page and be sure that you can do it. Now as you refreshed the lists of Modality, let’s start: Connect the lists of the expressions with the lists of the modal verbs: 1)…
50 Shades of Modality. Part One. English for Intermediate Students, Lesson 8
- March 9, 2016
- Posted by Mila
The most difficult thing for me in English grammar was the Modality of the verbs. That is why I want to teach you, and prevent you from the similar issues as I had in my childhood. Remember that we do not conjugate these verbs: I can, she can, he must, you should, etc. Exception to…