Online Spell check, Grammar, and Thesaurus checking

Month: October 2015

Verbal noun

  • October 3, 2015
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When is a verb not a verb? When it is a verbal noun. A verbal noun is the infinitive form of a verb, that acts like a noun. It is usually created by adding “-ing,” after that it loses all the qualities of a verb and can now be used as a subject, direct or…

Intransitive and transitive verb

  • October 2, 2015
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Intransitive An intransitive verb is not followed by an object. If the subject and verb can stand by themselves as a complete sentence, forming a complete idea without any helper words, the verb is intransitive. “Foofoo barked.” This clause is complete even though no other information is offered. “Foofoo, the little black cocker spaniel that…


  • October 1, 2015
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The smallest element of sound in speech that can make one sound different from another is called a phoneme. The two major categories of phoneme sounds are consonant and vowel. Common consonant phonemes in English are -b, -n, -t and -r. Note how the smallest phoneme alteration in the following example changes each word completely. Ray,…