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Month: June 2012

10 Idioms about Home [infographic]

  • June 18, 2012
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Just like a house or a home, idioms and expressions are integral parts of daily life. Due to their non-literal nature, many people wonder what are idioms and what do they mean? These quick expressions explain common scenarios in an abstract manner. Everyday events are frequently centered on houses. After a vacation, everyone wants to…

Coordinating Conjunctions and How to Use Them [infographic]

  • June 4, 2012
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What are conjunctions? These important connecting words are found throughout English and many other languages. There are three types of conjunctions. They include coordinating conjunctions, subordinate conjunctions and correlative conjunctions. Coordinating conjunctions are small, effective words that join independent clauses, dependent clauses, phrases, things and items in lists. By definition, conjunctions join two separate things,…