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Tag: subjunctive

Intermediate English, Lesson 11. Answers

  • May 20, 2016
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Lesson 11, Grammar Lesson 11, Homework Create sentences using the following phrases: a) I wish If only I knew They felt as if He would call you, He looked as if He would It is urgent It is strange b) he had knocked over a bank. they had become students once again. where he is….

Are you in a good mood today? Part two. Intermediate English, Lesson 11

  • March 28, 2016
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As you do remember from the previous lesson, there are only three moods in English. Today we are going to discover the last one, but not the easiest one. Subjunctive mood describes some unreal, imaginary, impossible action or wish. There is a lot of debate with different linguists about this subject. This is really a…

Interrogative mood

  • September 16, 2015
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Sentences in English express moods through the verb. Verb moods are indicative, imperative, subjunctive/conditional and interrogative. Interrogative Mood Interrogative statements ask a question. They always end with a question mark, which is the easiest way to spot them. A way to remember is to think of action movies, where criminal suspects are “interrogated” in an “interrogation room.” “Who…

Imperative mood

  • September 13, 2015
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In English, each sentence has a mood, that is expressed through the verb. Verb moods are indicative, interrogative, subjunctive/conditional and imperative. Imperative Mood An imperative statement is a command, advice or instruction; it can be quite strong or to be just a suggestion. This type of sentence does not typically name a subject as it…