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What kind of lessons do you prefer? English for Beginners, Lesson 13

  • January 21, 2016
  • Posted by

Congratulations! We have studied a lot! It’s high time for us to discover the adjectives. I’m including comparative and superlative forms too.

The adjective is used to describe things. We ask a question “what kind of…?” to find an adjective in the phrase.

The adjective is placed before the noun.

  • It’s a sunny day today!
    I saw your face in a crowded place
  • Do you like that lovely building? I’d like to live in such a nice place.
  • I have always thought that you’ve got green eyes. – Can you see now that I have dark blue eyes?Lesson 13

The adjective is placed after the verb.

  • You are beautiful.
  • I’m hungry for you, my love.
  • Maybe you are right.
  • Do you speak any foreign language? – Yes, I speak German and Italian.
  • You sound French. Where are you from? – Sorry, I’m not French – I’m Ukrainian.
  • It tastes good. What is this? – It is my favorite recipe!
  • Though it feels hard, it will be easy for you.
  • He looks ill.

When we have something we always want to make a comparison with the same thing belonging to our neighbor. It’s not right, but people do this. That’s why we are going to study the rules of comparative and superlative forms.

When we have a disyllabic or a monosyllabic word we add:

1) -er, -est/ after the consonant or two vowels.

1) I know that old man there. – My grandfather is older than that old man. – I guess that my grandmother is the oldest among them.

How old is she? She is 83 years old. She is young! – That man on the street looks younger than your grandfather. – Please, don’t tell me that your grandfather is the youngest among all our grandparents! He is 102 years old.

What a sad thing! No, it is even sadder! This is the saddest film I have ever watched!

2) -r, -st/ after the “e” letter.

2) The skirt you have looks nice. – Yes, I know, but her skirt looks nicer than this one. – Come on! Don’t worry: your skirt is the nicest.

The road is large. – The river that we have crossed was larger than this road. – Yes, I think that river is the largest river in the world.

3) -ier, -iest. We change the letter “Y” to “ier” for comparative, and “iest” for superlative.
3) These rules are easy! – No, they are difficult; the previous ones were easier. – I am sure that tomorrow we will learn the easiest rules!

That’s funny! – No, I think this is funnier than that. – Guys, can’t you see? That is the funniest party!

When we have long words, we put the following words before the adjective: more/less, most/least.

  • What is the most dangerous mountain to climb?
  • I know where is the least dangerous place for camping.
  • Do you think this is less important than your lunch? – Of course, lunch is more important than everything when I’m hungry.
  • She thinks the opera is more interesting than the cinema.
  • This is the most expensive restaurant; we don’t need to go there.

Find out the homework for this lesson here.

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