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Phff! Phrasals. English for Intermediate Students, Lesson 12

  • March 30, 2016
  • Posted by

Sometimes we cannot translate the verb alone, but we have to translate its preposition. It is easy to understand a verb without a preposition.

For example “to go” means to move or relocate somewhere from the starting point. “To go over” means to examine. These prepositions give another meaning to a verb.

To make a verb phrasal we usually take these prepositions: about along away back down forward in off on out over round through up. Let’s discover the examples.Phrasal verbs, Lesson 12

  1. About: The news got about (get about) that John and Sheila had got married.
  2. Along: He tries to get along with her, but without success. He tries to be friendly with her, but without success.
  3. Away: Throw away your old papers!
  4. Back: You will come back tomorrow at 7 pm, won’t you? She will come back after her holiday in Spain.
  5. Down: The car broke down (break down) because of you! The car isn’t working at the moment of speaking.
  6. Forward: I am looking forward Friday. I can’t wait Friday.
  7. In: Fill in these papers, please.
  8. Off: Turn the lights off, it is not dark. Take off your coat; it is warm inside. His car drove off (drive off).
  9. On: Get on! There is still enough space in the bus!
  10. Out: Look out! A bear is coming!
  11. Over: We need to go over our expenses once again. We need to examine them once again. Think over what your friend told you. Consider what your friend told you.
  12. Round: She promised to come round. She promised to come and see us.
  13. Through: I was caught in the traffic jam. My plan to visit Alan before the work fell through (fall through). I wasn’t able to visit him.
  14. Up: Children it’s time to get up. – No, don’t wake me up. I want to give up smoking. I want to stop smoking.

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