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Month: September 2015

Proper and common noun

  • September 22, 2015
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Proper and common nouns differ in one way: capitalization. Is it a cat or is it Nibbles? Is it a country or is it the United Kingdom? Common Any person, place, thing or idea that is not capitalized is called a “common noun.” Be careful to not lump “he,” “she” and “it” into this category;…

Positive and Postpositive adjectives

  • September 21, 2015
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A positive adjective is the basic form of an adjective that is used to describe a simple quality, such as slow, happy, big and so forth. A nice gift Fast cars Cold water Fluffy kittens Postpositive adjectives come after the words they describe. This is the rule in Spanish and other languages but it is…

Non-restrictive relative clause and restrictive relative clause

  • September 20, 2015
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A relative clause is a group of related words that defines or adds information about the noun that it follows. These clauses begin with a relative pronoun such as “that,” “which” or “who,” and they are organized into two types, “non-restrictive” and “restrictive clauses.” Restrictive Clause Also called a defining relative clause, this small group…

Non-finite verb

  • September 19, 2015
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Finite verbs need no assistance from other words and can form complete sentences with only a noun, such as “Bob walked,” “horses grazed,” “we sang.” Non-finite verbs, on the other hand, are not used in a subject and single verb predicate scenario. They are not inflected and do not show tense, number, mood, person, aspect…

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