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Month: September 2015

Split infinitive

  • September 26, 2015
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Infinitives are two words that combine to form a single verb, such as “to walk,” “to draw” and “to swim.” Although the pair of words is treated like one verb, “to” is actually a particle; the verb itself is the infinitive. When “to” is dropped, the infinitive is called a “zero (or bare) infinitive.” The…

Split digraph

  • September 25, 2015
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Phonemes are the most basic units of sound in English and graphemes are the symbols that represent them. For instance, the alphabet has 26 graphemes, and each represents a unique sound. To better remember this, keep in mind that spoken language was invented before written language. Mixing graphemes together in different combinations is how words…

Root word

  • September 24, 2015
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A word or the part of a word that carries the main meaning of other forms is called the root or base. A root can change forms in several ways, such as through conjugation, pluralizing or by adding a prefix or suffix. The meaning of an unfamiliar word can often be determined by identifying the…

Qualitative adjective

  • September 23, 2015
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A qualitative adjective is used to describe the features or qualities of a noun (a person, place, thing, idea and so forth). They are “gradable,” with superlative, comparative and positive forms. They are generally found before the word they modify but can be seen throughout the sentence. “The big bowl is full of appetizing raspberries.”…

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